• We have added a notification text to your profile page, next to the “Unlink my Account” button to ensure that your account is always up to date
  • The notification text will be displayed as “Expires on MM/DD/YYYY. Click here to extend your FFM authentication”
  • Clicking the link takes you to the CMS portal to validate your FFM credentials and verify the MFA code
  • After successful authentication, you will return to your profile page, with the account status as “Linked” and a fresh 30-day authentication.
  • You will no longer see the extension text and link. Only the “Unlink My Account” button will be visible. If profile authentication with FFM has already expired, the status will be “Unlinked”
Sky Rocket Your ACA Business With Inshura

About Inshura

Inshura is a FREE online ACA insurance tool, perfect for agents and agencies! Agents can boost their ACA and other enrollments using this easy-to-use solution for quoting, enrolling, automating renewals, and managing clients!

And inshura is CMS EDE PHASE III certified, so it automatically exchanges data directly from the Marketplace.


It’s FREE! Get started today.